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Dallas LSAT Prep Fort Worth LSAT Prep
Add 12+ Points to Your Score

We have LSAT tutors with 175+ LSAT scores and years of one-on-one tutoring experience.

We provide materials and offer continuous one-on-one guidance to help get you from day one through test day. Everything is individually tailored to your learning needs.


Our LSAT students have increased their scores up to 32 points from their first test.

Click below to learn how we can help you master logical reasoning and reading comprehension, starting today.

Unlike many "brand name" providers, we don't charge you $300/hour for a tutor who may receive as little as $20-50 of that money. Instead, we endeavor to provide the best (well-compensated) talent available, on a one-on-one basis, at a price that is competitive with national one-size-fits-all brands.

Dallas LSAT Prep Fort Worth LSAT Prep
Take Free Practice Tests
We provide both in-person and online tutoring for the LSAT.

We are currently accepting new students for all upcoming administrations of the LSAT.

Practice LSATs are now offered online in the same format that you will take on exam day, so we no longer offer proctored exams in person. Visit to take free, official practice tests at home. Then come see us for tutoring to improve your score!
Dallas LSAT Prep Fort Worth LSAT Prep
Meet an Expert LSAT Tutor

Ready to dominate the next LSAT?

Fill out our form at the bottom of this page, or call (972) 510-5953 to set up a consultation today.

We offer one-on-one sessions throughout the DFW Metroplex, typically in meeting rooms or conference rooms at a location mutually convenient for you and your tutor. We also offer the option to come to your home or office for an additional fee of just $40 per session.

Your first session is a two-hour diagnostic session/consultation. We'll work through real LSAT questions together, you can ask us any questions you have, and we'll develop a study schedule and game plan tailored to your needs.

From day one, you'll have the tools and expert guidance you need to ace your LSAT.

A video introduction by 

Attorney Kyle Singhal

Director, Metroplex LSAT Prep

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